Keck NIRC image of the field, obtained on 29 January 1999 UT bu G. Neugebauer and L. Armus. The field shown is 38 arcsec square, and it is rotated about 15 degrees relative to the normar orientation (N up, E left). The probable host galaxy, just N of the OT, is marked with an arrow. See GCN Circ. 256, for more details.
OT Coordinates: RA = 15h 25m 30.34s, Dec = +44d 45' 59.1" (J2000)
Finding chart, r band, field size = 190 arcsec, N up, E left, from the OT discovery images at the Palomar 60-inch telescope (Odewahn et al., GCN 201). The OT is circled.
GCN Circ. 201, Odewahn et al., discovery of the optical transient
GCN Circ. 205, ROTSE team early detection of the optical transient
GCN Circ. 206, Bloom et al., astrometry and B-band photometry of the optical transient
GCN Circ. 207, Gal et al., r-band photometry of the optical transient
GCN Circ. 208, Bloom et al., optical decline slope
GCN Circ. 211, Frail and Kulkarni, detection of the radio transient
GCN Circ. 213, Gal et al., pre-burst detection of an apparent host galaxy
IAUC 7096, Kelson et al., Keck redshift
GCN Circ. 216, Djorgovski et al., energetics and the gravitational lensing interpretation
GCN Circ. 219, Hjorth et al., evidence for foreground absorbers
GCN Circ. 234, Rutledge and Kulkarni, search for pervious lensed images of this burst (but see also GCN Circ. 235 )
GCN Circ. 240, Bloom et al., detection of the IR transient, and its light curve
GCN Circ. 242, Yadigaroglu et al., DPOSS galaxy not confirmed
GCN Circ. 243, Djorgovski et al., DPOSS galaxy not confirmed, possible Keck detection
GCN Circ. 248, Yadigaroglu & Halpern R band observations
GCN Circ. 249, Hjorth et al., NOT spectrum update
GCN Circ. 251, Djorgovski et al., Keck spectrum update
GCN Circ. 256, Djorgovski et al., Keck detection of the probable host galaxy
Link to Josh Bloom's webpage on this burst