TripleSpec Guider Settings
This dialog box is called by pressing the "Settings" button on the Guider area (bottom right corner) of the Guider GUI.
Settings definitions
Guiding Threshold:
����������� Sets the threshold required for the guider to assume there is enough signal to guide. If 5 % of the pixels inside the box area have at least a _threshold_ % value of the peak, then the correction will be sent.� Otherwise it will be rejected and an error message will appear on the messages area of the main window ("-34 NO SIGNAL"). Also the "last" LED will be turned off.
Seeing Tolerance:
����������� Any correction with a value < Seeing_Tolerance will NOT be sent, assuming they are variation due to seeing and not real corrections.
����������� This is the "attenuation factor" applied to the calculated correction.� This number must be adjusted to avoid overshoot or oscillation on the telescope.
Max Correction rate:
����������� Sets the maximum rate for the corrections, in seconds.� Any correction calculated before _max_ seconds will not be sent.
Telescope Move Rate:
����������� Sets the speed at which the telescope will move when a correction is sent (in arcsecs/sec).
����������� Defines� which
algorithm will be used for the guiding process: CMASS (Center of Mass) or QUAD
(four quadrant weighting). CMASS is the algorithm used by default.
����������� Sets a specific position (pixel-precision) for the center of the guide box.� When the box is moved with the mouse this value gets updated and vice/versa.
����������� Sends an offset for the guide box.� The offset can be specified in pixels or in arcsecs.� If arcsecs are used, Xoff and Yoff become RA and DEC.
����������� Sets the size of the guidebox at pixel-precision. This can be specified in arcsecs or pixels.