Chuck Steidel
Lee A. DuBridge Professor of Astronomy
Caltech 249-17
Pasadena, CA 91125
Teaching, 2015-16
Current Research
- Our group's primary interest is the connection between galaxy formation and the intergalactic medium in
the context of the development of structure in the universe. We use the W.M. Keck Observatory
(2 10m optical/IR telescopes) and the Palomar Observatory (200-inch telescope) as
primary tools for most of our work, supplemented using data from Hubble, Spitzer,
and Chandra space telescopes, among others.
- MOSFIRE : Multi-object Spectrometer
for Infrared Exploration, is a near-IR imaging multiobject spectrograph and imager built
for the Keck 1 telescope by Caltech and UCLA. MOSFIRE was commissioned in the summer of 2012, and since that time
has been the most-requested instrument at WMKO.
I was co-PI and Project
Scientist (2004-2012). A large fraction of the current science in my group involves
data obtained with MOSFIRE.
A paper describing MOSFIRE as presented at the 2012 SPIE meeting can be found
here .
- A large fraction of our research involves spectroscopic surveys of star-forming
galaxies and intergalactic and circum-galactic gas within carefully-controlled volumes at high redshift.
Many of our current projects involve data obtained as part of
The Keck Baryonic Structure
Survey (KBSS) .
- Reconciling the stellar and nebular spectra of high redshift galaxies (KBSS-LM)
Some recent papers from our "group"...
Publication List (refereed only)
Page maintained (very badly) by Chuck Steidel ccs"at"
Last modified : 29 Dec 2015