The first step towards running the real-time pipeline is to load the photometry database
with the data for the next observing run (unless it was loaded earlier).
The second step is to stage the photometry data onto disk and the final is to
run the pipeline.
Note: before doing anything else, first login to tg-login and type
newgrp quest then source ~ajd/.cshrc.
For details of pipeline individual tasks, look here
For a diagram of the system architecture and here.
First, kill any pipeline processes that may be running.
Then, in one xterm type:
Finally, in another xterm type:
Order is important and both scripts will continue to run until you kill them if runtime is not given.
First, kill any pipeline processes that may be running.
Next, move the raw photometry data files data to /mnt/dw2-07/rawdata/checked.
Then, in one xterm type:
Finally, in another xterm type:
Order is important and both scripts will continue to run until you kill them if runtime is not given.
The file must contains a list of the images and their root location
e.g. cln_do20050809.009.C.JB.03.069.fits.gz /mnt/dw2-03