Rick Burruss
The Zwicky Transient Facility phase I sample of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae without strong narrow emission lines
A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino
Time-series and Phasecurve Photometry of Episodically-Active Asteroid (6478) Gault in a Quiescent State Using APO, GROWTH, P200 and ZTF
Initial Characterization of Active Transitioning Centaur, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS), using Hubble, Spitzer, ZTF, Keck, APO and GROWTH Visible & Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy
The ZTF Source Classification Project: II. Periodicity and variability processing metrics
Characterization of Temporarily-Captured Minimoon 2020 CD by Keck Time-resolved Spectrophotometry
Kilonova Luminosity Function Constraints based on Zwicky Transient Facility Searches for 13 Neutron Star Mergers
A Search for Extra-Tidal RR Lyrae in the Globular Cluster NGC 5024 and NGC 5053
A high-energy neutrino coincident with a tidal disruption event
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Science Objectives
The Zwicky Transient Facility: System Overview, Performance, and First Results