Ashish Mahabal is an astronomer (Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy) and Deputy Director at the Center for Data Driven Discovery at the California Institute of Technology. His interests include Large Sky Surveys, Classification, Deep Learning, and Methodology Transfer to other complex-data fields like medicine.
He leads the ML for the Zwicky Transient Facility, a new large survey covering the entire Northern Sky every few nights. He also works with the Data Science group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and is part of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) for cancer, and MCL.
This website is generally hopelessly outdated, but you should still get a broad overview of Ashish Mahabal’s Universe, Life, and Everything here.
PhD in Astronomy, 1998
Masters in Physics, Mathematics, Electronics
Nagpur University
We provide a brief, and inevitably incomplete overview of the use of Machine Learning (ML) and other AI methods in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. Astronomy entered the big data era with the first digital sky surveys in the early 1990s and the resulting Terascale data sets, which required automating of many data processing and analysis tasks, for example the star-galaxy separation, with billions of feature vectors in hundreds of dimensions. The exponential data growth continued, with the rise of synoptic sky surveys and the Time Domain Astronomy, with the resulting Petascale data streams and the need for a real-time processing, classification, and decision making. A broad variety of classification and clustering methods have been applied for these tasks, and this remains a very active area of research. Over the past decade we have seen an exponential growth of the astronomical literature involving a variety of ML/AI applications of an ever increasing complexity and sophistication. ML and AI are now a standard part of the astronomical toolkit. As the data complexity continues to increase, we anticipate further advances leading towards a collaborative human-AI discovery.
Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are bursts of electromagnetic energy released when supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of galaxies violently disrupt a star that passes too close. TDEs provide a new window to study accretion onto SMBHs; in some rare cases, this accretion leads to launching of a relativistic jet, but the necessary conditions are not fully understood. The best studied jetted TDE to date is Swift J1644+57, which was discovered in gamma-rays, but was too obscured by dust to be seen at optical wavelengths. Here we report the optical discovery of AT2022cmc, a rapidly fading source at cosmological distance (redshift z=1.19325) whose unique lightcurve transitioned into a luminous plateau within days. Observations of a bright counterpart at other wavelengths, including X-rays, sub-millimeter, and radio, supports the interpretation of AT2022cmc as a jetted TDE containing a synchrotron arcsecafterglow arcsec, likely launched by a SMBH with spin
The accretion disks of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are promising locations for the merger of compact objects detected by gravitational wave (GW) observatories. Embedded within a baryon-rich, high density environment, mergers within AGN are the only GW channel where an electromagnetic (EM) counterpart must occur (whether detectable or not). Considering AGN with unusual flaring activity observed by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), we describe a search for candidate EM counterparts to binary black hole (BBH) mergers detected by LIGO/Virgo in O3. After removing probable false positives, we find nine candidate counterparts to BBH mergers mergers during O3 (seven in O3a, two in O3b) with a
We present X-ray, UV, optical, and radio observations of the nearby (
With a rapidly rising number of transients detected in astronomy, classification methods based on machine learning are increasingly being employed. Their goals are typically to obtain a definitive classification of transients, and for good performance they usually require the presence of a large set of observations. However, well-designed, targeted models can reach their classification goals with fewer computing resources. This paper presents SNGuess, a model designed to find young extragalactic nearby transients with high purity. SNGuess works with a set of features that can be efficiently calculated from astronomical alert data. Some of these features are static and associated with the alert metadata, while others must be calculated from the photometric observations contained in the alert. Most of the features are simple enough to be obtained or to be calculated already at the early stages in the lifetime of a transient after its detection. We calculate these features for a set of labeled public alert data obtained over a time span of 15 months from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The core model of SNGuess consists of an ensemble of decision trees, which are trained via gradient boosting. Approximately 88% of the candidates suggested by SNGuess from a set of alerts from ZTF spanning from April 2020 to August 2021 were found to be true relevant supernovae (SNe). For alerts with bright detections, this number ranges between 92% and 98%. Since April 2020, transients identified by SNGuess as potential young SNe in the ZTF alert stream are being published to the Transient Name Server (TNS) under the AMPEL_ZTF_NEW group identifier. SNGuess scores for any transient observed by ZTF can be accessed via a web service. The source code of SNGuess is publicly available.