This site will get better...
The Palomar Digital Sky Survey (DPOSS)
News flash: DPOSS images used for Microsoft's World Wide Telescope
... and we did the same for Google's Sky
DPOSS Data Server
is temporarily unavailable (due to the lack of funds... but it will come back)
General Survey Descriptions:
A brief popular description of DPOSS
- DPOSS is based on the digitization of the
POSS-II photographic sky atlas
- "DPOSS Paper I" is still in prep... Meanwhile, you can cite as a general DPOSS reference: "The Palomar Digital Sky Survey (DPOSS)",
Djorgovski, S. G., Gal, R. R., Odewahn, S. C., de Carvalho, R. R., Brunner, R.,
Longo, G., & Scaramella, R. 1999,
in "Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology",
eds. S. Colombi, Y. Mellier, & B. Raban,
Gif sur Yvette: Editions Frontieres, p. 89. Available as
astro-ph/9809187 *
[local pdf file]
- The Digitized Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS).
II. Photometric Calibration,
Gal, R.R., de Carvalho, R.R., Odewahn, S.C., Djorgovski, S.G., Mahabal, A.,
Brunner, R., & Lopes, P. 2005,
Astron. J. 128, 3082 *
[AJ link] *
[local pdf file]
- The Digitized Second Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS).
III. Star-Galaxy Separation,
Odewahn, S.C., de Carvalho, R.R., Gal, R.R., Djorgovski, S.G., Brunner, R.,
Mahabal, A., Lopes, P., Kohl Moreira, J., & Stalder, B. 2005,
Astron. J. 128, 3092.
[AJ link] *
[local pdf file]
A (probably incomplete) listing of DPOSS-based and DPOSS-related publications
Miscellaneous related papers on astro-ph
For more info, please contact George Djorgovski:
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